At Flintham Primary School, our aim is to provide a high-quality computing education, which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way within an ever-changing digital world. Not only do we want them to be digitally literate and competent end-users of technology but also to develop creativity, resilience, problem-solving and for the children to become critical thinkers. All children are taught the three main areas of computing - E-safety, Computational thinking and coding, and Creating and Communicating. The objectives within each strand support the development of learning across the key stages, ensuring a solid grounding for future learning and beyond.
We teach a curriculum that enables children to become effective users of technology who can:
- Understand and apply the essential principles and concepts of Computer Science, including logic, algorithms and data representation.
- Analyse problems in computational terms and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs to solve such problems.
- Evaluate and apply information technology analytically to solve problems.
Communicate ideas well by utilising appliances and devices throughout all areas of the curriculum.
Our Curriculum Documents - Mapping and Progression
Elements of our Computing Curriculum
Whole School Mapping Overview
Whole School Computing Mapping Overview
Progression Documents
Computing Systems Curriculum Progression
Create and Communicate Curriculum Progression
E-Safety Curriculum Progression