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Flintham Primary School

Flintham Primary School


Name: Caroline Aldrich                                                                   

Type of Governor: Trust Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Chair of Governors and Safeguarding

Links to FPS: I have lived in Flintham for 19 years and have recently retired from a role within Equals Trust as Head Teacher at Tollerton. 

Date of Appointment: March 2022

Appointed by: Equals Trust

Term of office: 4 years

Interests: My number one passion is reading, and I usually keep my Kindle very close at hand! I’m a keen gardener, love taking city breaks and travelling through Europe and I am a huge cat lover (my children tell me 3 is enough). 

Background information: I have worked in Education for 15 years. My children were educated within one of the Equals Trust schools where I volunteered to help a few days a week. This sparked a passion to go into teaching and I trained in 2007, quickly becoming a deputy head at Robert Miles Infants then Head at Halam C of E School followed by a move into Equals Trust as Head at Tollerton School. Having taken early retirement, I have joined Flintham Primary School as Chair of Governors as I am passionate about maintaining links with education, want to continue to uphold the principles of Equals Trust and give something back to the local community in which I live. It is a pleasure to have joined a forward thinking, caring and dynamic school and I look forward to working with Mrs Dunderdale and her team of committed and enthusiastic staff, pupils and governors. 

Name: Helen Colby                                              

Type of Governor: Trust Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Vice Chair of Governors and SEND

Links to FPS: I don’t have any children at school but I am the Equals Trust Speech and Language Therapist and I support children who have speech, language and communication needs across the Trust including those attending Flintham Primary School. I have previously worked in school as a member of the NHS Speech and Language Therapy Team so have been involved with school for the last 10 years.

Date of Appointment: April 2019

Appointed by: Equals Trust

Term of office: 4 Years


Interests: I spend a lot of time with my friends and their children, love gardening, reading and travelling with family and friends. I am also the Joint Treasurer and Bookings Secretary for the Flintham Sports Pavilion

Background information: I have lived and worked in Nottinghamshire for the last 20 years and have worked for the NHS in my SLT role for much of this time.  Since 2016 I have been working in independent practice. Most of my work is in schools and I have a keen interest in making sure every child achieves their potential and gets the most they can out of their time in our education system.


Type of Governor: Trust Governor


Links to FPS: 

Date of Appointment: 

Appointed by: 

Term of office: 


Background information: 

Name: Kirsty Hill                                                                            

Type of Governor: Parent Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Lifestyle choices

Links to FPS:  I have a child at Flintham school but I was governor before she attended.

Date of Appointment: August 2022

Appointed by: Parents

Term of office: 4 years

Interests: I spend most of my spare time with my family, we enjoy going to national trust parks and also are season ticket holders for the Nottingham Panthers ice hockey.



Background information: I work in a busy farm office doing a varied role from accounts to self-storage to let properties. My family & I lived in Flintham for 9 years until recently moving to Newark.

Name: Nick Krnic                                                                   

Type of Governor: Parent Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Finance

Links to FPS: I currently have 2 out of my 4 children at the school in class 2 (Sienna) and 4 (Ned) and a couple of years ago I had a child in every class. This is my second stint as a parent governor after I was initially appointed in 2017.


Date of Appointment: January 2021

Appointed by: Parents

Term of office: 4 years

Interests: All things family is the short answer. I’m also a passionate follower of Gillingham Football Club and try to get  on the golf course when I can.

Name: Victoria Adey                                                                 

Type of Governor: Trust Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Curriculum

Links to FPS:  All three of my children have attended Flintham Primary School and my youngest, Lewis, is in year 6.

Date of Appointment: December 2019

Appointed by: Equals Trust

Term of office:  4 years

Interests: I love spending my free time with family and friends and we enjoy many beach days together on the South East Coast.  Whenever possible, I like to get involved in community groups and enjoy singing in the local choir and more recently have dusted off my sewing machine, hoping to learn new skills in the local sewing club.

Background information: I have over 20 years experience working with children, as both a primary school teacher and more recently, a private tutor. I have lived in Flintham for nearly 20 years and for the last few years have enjoyed being a leader at the local Beaver group alongside other parents.

Name: Janette Dunderdale                                                 

Type of Governor: Head Teacher

Links to FPS: I was appointed as the Head Teacher of Flintham Primary School in May 2022.

Date of Appointment: May 2022

Interests: Spending time with friends and family is important to me, especially spending time with my three children, my granddaughter and my dog. To keep healthy I enjoy running, dog walking, mountain walking, skiing and working out. To relax I like to complete jigsaws and play games and if I have any spare time I love to make and fix things around the house through DIY and sewing.

Background information: I have been teaching since 2006 and have worked in four schools, three of which were in Lincolnshire. My first school was a small rural primary school, similar to Flintham in many ways. I taught children from 3 years old up to Year 4 in mixed aged classes over the six years. My second school was a large town primary school which was in special measures. Within one year the school received an overall good with areas of outstanding, which included early years, which I was the lead for. After two years I moved to an infant school in the same town. I was appointed as a full time teaching Deputy Head Teacher.  I taught in Year 2 and Reception throughout the seven years I worked at the school, specialising in Reception. I was delighted to be appointed as Head Techer of Flintham Primary School  in May 2022. The second I walked into the school it just felt right. To work in a small rural school with such a warm family feeling and children who are so aspirational and welcoming is such a privilege.

Name: Gail Otton                                                       


Type of Governor: Staff Appointed

Links to FPS: I’ve lived in the village 35 years, I’ve been at Flintham Primary School for 29 years, my two sons came here and now my two grandsons attend school.

Date of Appointment: November 2018

Appointed by: Staff

Term of office:  4 years

Interests: Hobbies include gardening, genealogy, art and antique collecting.

Background information: I have worked at Flintham Primary School almost 30 years. I was initially appointed in clerical capacity, moving to an administration role before taking on the School Business Manager role in 2007. I’ve lived in the village for 35 years, with both my sons attending the school and now my two grandsons.

Name: Mike Smith                    

Type of Governor: Trust Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Documentation

Links to FPS: Local school, no direct links, however I am passionate about the importance of primary learning in shaping the potential of our children (or in my case, grandchildren)

Date of Appointment: March 2022

Appointed by: Equals Trust

Term of office: 4 Years

Interests: I am learning Beekeeping with a couple of hives, love singing, growing fruit and veg in my plot, reading and supporting Rugby actively and Cricket, (more armchair).  Astrophotography could easily become a passion.

Background information: We moved into the area 4 years ago, a businessman who was trying to minimise the amount of travel.  With a real interest in the future employability of our children, I fell that primary education plays such an important role in shaping and growing a young person and their capabilities.  Helping a child reach their potential is so important for all our futures, when the opportunity came up, I joined.

Name: Amanda Klingbeil

Type of Governor: Parent Appointed

Roles/Responsibilities: Pupil Progress

Links to FPS: My eldest daughter Nikita attended the school. She is now about to take exams and leave Toothill. My other two children Dexter, 9 and Oakleigh, 5 both attend the school in Year 1 and Year 4. I am also the treasurer and deputy chair for Friends of Flintham PTA.

Date of Appointment: November 2022

Appointed by: Parents

Term of office: 4 Years

Interests: My main interests are my family. We spend a lot of time visiting places such as Black country museum, Beamish, Zoos and Beaches etc. I also have a great passion in reading and love to build the kids lego.

Background information: I have lived in Syerston for 15 years. We used to be a free-range chicken egg farm but had to diversify when I had Oakleigh so went into haulage. We now run a successful haulage company to which I am transport manager and the accounts also. I am also Treasurer and deputy chair for the Friends of Flintham PTA which has this year been formalised. Previous years I have been a big part of the schools fundraising and plan to continue. I also help in the school where I volunteer for reading, sewing and all other topic work.